Sad Mode

As a human being, it's normal if we have such a sad feeling, ketika kita kecewa dengan sesuatu atau katakan lah seseorang. There is no other way except just expressing that sadness. You can't ask for someone else to help you out from that kinda feeling, you can't beg for others to take you out from that sadness. Why?? because that's your problem, your own problem, that is your heart, your feeling, so manage it!

Just cry if you feel you can't hold it, always be positive thinking that everything happends for a good reason. Believe that! I believe you are brave enough to face all those things, i also believe that you can handle it. God never leaves us alone, He always gives us all His guidances, for us to step forward, to move on. Smile girl, smile...!!! Sing a song and smile. That's you :)

*ngomong depan kaca*


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